Information on Visiting Strikhedonia

My commitment to you is to run a safe, well maintained vessel in a professional manor. I will do all I can to provide you with a safe, comfortable, and fun time aboard Strikhedonia.

Trip Planning
At the beginning of the trip we will go over the route, possible anchorage locations, activities (snorkeling/fishing/hiking/kayaking/exploring). This won’t be a rigid schedule but rather a guide as we may choose to enjoy a location longer than planned or skip a planned stop due to weather concerns.

Excluding safety concerns we will decide as a group where we go. Once at anchorage you can do your own thing or hang out with the group or a mix of both.

To have a good time the key is to be flexible, changing plans are a reality when living on a sailboat

Crew contribution costs (per day), plus food
See Join us for daily cost
Please pay this every week in the local currency

We will do the shopping together and split the cost equally (if you would like alcohol that is separate and up to you to purchase). This way everyone can be sure that they get food they will like. Most dietary restriction can be dealt with (vegetarian, lactose, gluten-free), however if you are vegan/vegetarian you will need to cook food to supplement what the chef of the day is cooking.

First things first, your luggage – large, hard-case suitcases (including roller bags) should be avoided at ALL costs. There simply is not the room for them, unless you don’t mind having them as your bunk mate. I HIGHLY recommend you pack your things in duffel bags, or any soft material bag that you can roll up and stow somewhere once you unpack.

Like on any vacation, you always feel you need all of your stuff but go through your things and ask yourself, “Will I really need this?” Chances are, weather permitting, you are going to spend most of your time in a swimsuit/shorts.

Qty Item Qty Item
1 or 2 Swimsuit 3 to 5 Underwear
2 or 3 T-shirt 2 or 3 Socks (pair)
1 Long sleeved T-shirt 1 Hat/Sunglasses
2 Shorts 1 Running/Hiking shoes
1 Jeans 1 Dry bag and Waterproof cellphone case
1 Sweatshirt 1 Toiletries/Medication
1 Sweatpants/lounge pants 1 Water bottle
1 Light Jacket 1 Sunscreen (non-aerosol only)
1 Dress or Collared shirt 1 Flip-flops/Water shoes

You will probably find that you gravitate to the same clothes every day and will most likely head home at the end of your trip not having worn half the stuff you brought.

Towels and bedding
We have enough towels for everyone, so you do not need to bring any with you. The same goes for bedding. We have sheets, blankets, and pillows for six on board.

Strikhedonia is powered by solar with the diesel engines as backups. The energy is stored in lithium batteries so that at night we still have power for lights and TV. Still it is important to conserve energy by turning off unused lights and unplugging charged devices.

The majority of the time, 12V DC (think of your car) outlets are the source for charging your phone/camera/iPod/tablet. There are also USB jacks in the saloon. I highly recommend leaving laptops at home.

However, if your devices require 120V AC (outlets like at home), we do have the ability to turn on a piece of equipment called an inverter – which converts the 12V DC into 120V AC. The inverter is normally turned off because it uses a lot of power even when not charging devices. This is why 12V DC is the better option.

Keep in mind the salt water environment, you may want waterproof cases for your things; accidents do happen, especially when spending a lot of time around water.

We have a water-maker, but it only makes about 6 gallons per hour, is noisy, and after making water the filter must be flushed with clean water using 4 gallons. So…all told running the water-maker for half a day (4 hours) will net about 20 gallons – which is the same amount used for a typical 10 minute shower back home. Multiply that by 4 or 6 people onboard and you can see that water consumption, rather conservation, is very important.

Instead of taking a shower, enjoy nature and take a few more refreshing plunges into the ocean. When you do feel a shower is needed most people take a “Navy” shower (typically every 2 or 3 days). This entails using the freshwater on the stern swimstep for a quick rinse off, soap up your body, followed by another quick rinse. If we have used the engine in the last few days the water will be hot, otherwise prepare for a cool shower. If you really want a better shower then the port (left) side head (bathroom) has a standalone glass shower.

Water for drinking is never rationed You should be drinking 2 -3 liters of water per day. It is really easy to get dehydrated, which makes you more susceptible to getting seasick. Everyone should bring a personal water bottle and it is smart to continually drink throughout the day.

The weather and winds in the western Pacific and Sea of Cortez are generally very mild with a bit of wind picking up in the late morning and calm conditions after the sun sets. However, occasionally there are winds that pipe up. These are not a danger but depending on the anchorage can make for a poor night’s sleep if the boat is rocking and moving back and forth on the anchor.

Safety of the crew and the boat is ALWAYS the top priority. So the weather is always the boss. This might mean we need to get an early start to get to our next anchorage early in the day, or changing plans to a different anchorage that is closer (or offers better protection), or could mean hanging out longer in one spot to wait out the weather.

It is fun taking a boat from point A to point B and letting Mother Nature move us along. That said, if we aren’t making at least 4 knots we will likely fire up the engine to help move us along. Some mornings we will have an early departure because we do need to get to our destination in time to anchor before it is dark.

Sea Sickness
If you get motion sickness and have meds that you have tried then bring them. If not, we have Dramamine. Don’t feel ashamed about it or let it put a halt to your ocean adventures. Even the most seasoned sailor can get bouts of seasickness and there are plenty of tricks and meds that can make the trip much more enjoyable. That said be aware that taking Dramamine will make you very sleepy and you will probably spend the day napping (which is totally okay). If you start feeling a little off let me know right away and I can help you avoid feeling bad.

I have upgraded the anchor and it does a great job quickly grabbing the bottom and holding the boat in place. I will need a person or two to help with the process of anchoring (or coming into a slip). Long before we begin I’ll cover what needs to be done. It is not difficult and I’ll be giving instructions as we anchor so no need to worry about remembering what to do – it is really straightforward and easy.

Communal Leaving
Living on a sailboat is somewhat confined. I love this since it makes us depend on each other and work together. It also means we are bumping into each other from time to time and we pretty much know what everyone else is doing. That said, if you need some alone time you can chill in your berth, take a kayak out, or relax on the trampolines. Along those same lines, if something is bothering you do not keep it inside, right away have a quick chat, it is probably a misunderstanding.

We have a really sweet Bose stereo/DVD player with surround sound. There is an input for an iPod or phone to listen to music and at night we often watch a movie on the retractable TV. There are about 200 movies between the DVDs and movies saved on a hard drive. Feel free to bring any DVDs you would like to watch.

When at the docks there is generally wireless internet. Once out of the marina we will lose connectivity, unless you have T-Mobile (or you buy a Mexican SIM card). With T-Mobile I have found that I can often get text messages and slow data connectivity.

There are books on board, but I’d recommend bringing reading materials so I’m not judged by my selection.

We have on board: Scrabble, Cribbage, Uno, Playing cards, Farkle, Water colors, Musical instruments

On board are four sets of mask, snorkel, and fins. If you have a wet-suit and get cold swimming it would be a good idea to bring it.

Water Toys
We have: Single sea kayak, Double (triple) sea kayak, SUP, Pool noodles, Floating chairs

First Aid
A complete Offshore medical kit (read that as extensive) in addition to the normal household items most of us have at home is on the ready. This includes; ibuprofen, aspirin, pseudo ephedrine, iodine, band aids, tums, cough drops, aloe vera gel, etc.

During the day when sailing I run a dry boat. However, moderate social drinking is absolutely fine and a regular occurrence at anchor or in port. This means that once the boat is secured (we will no longer be moving for the day and everything is cleaned up), then the bar is open and you can enjoy yourself – before that, not a drop. This is a safety issue

In Mexico drug possession on a private yacht is an extremely serious offense. If drugs are found aboard, my boat and all of my possessions will be confiscated and it is unlikely I will ever get them back. Under NO circumstances are recreational drugs to be brought aboard Strikhedonia. If you are found to have drugs I will turn you into the authorities.

Sorry, but if you smoke (even just a little bit) Strikhedonia is not a good fit. We are absolutely a no smoking boat. Accepting people who “quit smoking” turns into one of two situations; 1. They try to sneak a smoke or 2. Their tobacco cravings make them crabby.

Personal Hygiene
Hair can cause a lot of problems for pumps. For those with long hair it is best to brush on the stern deck to protect the systems. The same goes for cutting finger nails, drifting overboard is the perfect place.

Typically everyone takes care of themselves for lunch (however it is common to ask around if anyone would like whatever you are making). Breakfast depends on the day but is kind of a mix between sometimes grabbing whatever you want and other days eating as a group. Dinner is always family style. We will work out a rotation between cooking (and cleaning) with everyone taking a turn.

Each day some work is done to keep the boat clean and tidy. If you make a mess, clean it up immediately. If you see something dirty, please take the initiative (even if you didn’t make the mess) to keep the boat looking good. I do boat maintenance every day. Interested in learning or helping? I am always thrilled to get some assistance.

We rotate who cleans the dishes each day, and everyone takes a turn. When it is your day you are responsible for everyone’s dishes (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

At the end of the trip we will all pitch in to clean the inside (saloon, floors, bathrooms, bedding, vacuuming, kitchen) and wash the outside. With everyone pitching in it works out to a few hours of work.

I get some people who want to learn all about sailing and others who just want to relax. I enjoy having people in both categories on board. If you want to learn then be sure to let me know and ask questions. I love teaching people about sailing and I also encourage you to learn as much as you can about the running of the boat, mechanics and navigation.

I will teach you as much as you like, just ask.

Passport/Visa and Transportation
It is your responsibility to arrange any needed visas and have a Passport valid for at least 6 months from the date you arrive. Many countries deny entrance to those with criminal convictions, please disclose any such record. In any event, planned or not, when you leave Strikhedonia you are responsible for all travel costs. This also pertains to the unlikely case that you are asked to leave Strikhedonia. Under no circumstance will I be responsible for your travel costs or arrangements.

If you decide to join us, I hope that your time on Strikhedonia becomes a memory that you will always cherish.