Browsing Category : Thoughts

Don’t scud run.

Whew, so this made for good learning… I needed to fly back to Steamboat to head off on my annual adventure motorcycle ride. The weather pattern between Minneapolis and Steamboat had been locked in place for days with low clouds and some areas of thunderstorms along the route. As I watched the weather I found a window that looked doable…

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Sailor on sabbatical…

F**k me. It is so hard. So very hard to let go of SV Strikhedonia. She has been a huge part of my life during the past six years. Taken me on adventures I could never have imagined, kept me up late at night on anchor watch, and grown in me a deep appreciation for Mexico and her people. Along…

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What’s next? Hmfp, I don’t know, build an airplane?

I am someone who always needs to have a project in my life. With my time with SV Strikhedonia coming to an end, ideas had been bouncing around in my head. For years the idea of building an airplane popped up but the commitment and idea of pounding tens of thousands of rivets after drilling, deburring, and dimpling seemed daunting.…

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Taking a break in Tenacatita

A reset was needed from the non-stop party atmosphere in Barra and with Tenacatita just a short hop away I peeled out for a few days. Every day I’d get in a beach walk all the way past the resort. And every time there seemed to be something that made me chuckle or shake my head. In addition, I took…

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The crowds of Agua Verde

Victor was excited by the fishing in the area so early I took him out in the dinghy to a spot where fisherman had been the day before. Checking on him 45 minutes later I earned that there was a strong current which pushed him back to shore, better than out to sea I suppose… He put in another fourty-five…

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2018, it’s a wrap!

It was a good year (queue the broken record), getting further south into Mexico brought some wonderful new experiences, including having fireworks shot at us (St. Patrick’s day festival) and doing some inland travel (Durango). The beauty and kindness of the Mexican people continues to amaze. This year set a few records; most miles in a year and most crew…

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Thanksgiving in San Juanico

I love when a plan comes together. Often times when there is calm weather a west wind will form overnight and then dissipate a few hours after sunrise. We took advantage of this phenomenon and sailed north to San Juanico. Well at least half the way. Which in the Sea of Cortez, when on a schedule, is unusual. Feeling the…

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