Tag Archives : Electrical

Working back to front

Whew, today feels like there was great progress. I was able to get the two charge ports installed with a bracket for the batteries. That will save me from removing the bulkheads should the batteries need to be topped off. Then it was on to finishing the baggage area panel covers and the baggage door. Let me just say the…

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Can’t put off sanding any longer

Well the rear windows are sanded. That was a fun start to the day. Tomorrow the outside of the door windows and then I will begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Ha. Still have to sand/fill the door gaps for the McMaster Carr door seal. After that excitement I moved on to the continuing ER…

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Panel done???

Oh I’m sure something will pop up but this morning I finished the wiring behind the panel and was happy to see the autopilot servos were detected, firmware automatically updated, and the looked good. I may have accidentally run the aux fuel tank pumps for a second, so I know those work too. I still need to wire the wing…

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More wiring…And flaps!

Ugh, I am tired of wiring but there is still work to be done. Hopefully tomorrow I can finish up the avionics/electrical. Notice no pictures, yeah it pretty much looks the same as before I started. Yes I am salty. But as a break from wiring, the flaps are now on and connected to the flap tube. That means time…

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From front to back the whole plane was touched today

The ignition cables are now better organized with spacers between to ensure no cross firing. Got the screws installed in the tail fairing, which turned into more work than I expected. Well there were two nutplates involved… Before the window installed I needed to get the sunvisors mounted. With the doors on I could find the best location and then…

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Fiberglass, ugh

So the cowling fit is shit. To get it to line up in the back, the front is off – not terrible but off. The sides are the issue. On the pilot side there is a 7/16″ gap. WTF. So today the sides got built up to fill the gap. More fun tomorrow. The cabin top is now drilled and…

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The engine sensor grind…

Whew this was a long day. Started with terminating the CHT and EGT wires in the Garmin GEA24 connector. Then moved on to terminating the other end. The grind comes from the awkward spots to cut, strip, crimp, and screw each wire. That could be a pain but the biggest pain was installing all of the Adel clamps to support…

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Turn on the electricity

I’m not sure why I put off the Elevator trim tabs for so long but hey they are done now. Riveting, proseal, more riveting. Oh and blind riveting. Once the proseal cures I’ll slide in the hinge pins. The big excitement of the day was finishing up the electrical wiring. I put in the remaining instruments and flips the switch.…

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Folks we have an engine

The day started with mounting the engine. Only hiccup was “losing” one of the engine mount spacers. But thirty minutes later I found it in my pocket, please don’t ask… Then I got some work done on final wiring/labeling of the pilot switches. The only wiring remaining in the cockpit is the Starter/Mag switch. Probably knock that out tomorrow and…

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Spar Tunnel Done?

For real, I think the spar tunnel is done until the wings go on… Started off adding connectors and drilling brackets made by fellow builder Leo for a set screw need to keep the Tosten stick grips from spinning. Then moved back into wiring mode to work on the connectors that stick grips plug into. That took awhile… Also soldered…

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Finally able to move on to something other than wiring!

I started the day finishing up the wiring – well there is still wiring to do once the wings are on and the control sticks are in. Oh and once the carbon fiber panel comes back from the painter (respraying due to poor adhesion) I can connect the wires to the switches. But other than that is is done. Whew…

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The electrical finish line is in sight

More work on the wiring. Began with the fun time installing not one but two Adel clamps on the same screw on different side of the support. That was fun. Then back to the VPX. I’m down to 7 or 8 switches, and about 7 or 8 power circuits. Then it will be time for testing and troubleshooting. I sure…

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