Monthly Archives : January 2023

Food tour in old San Juan

Angie suggested a food tour and it was quickly “yeses” all around. After a short cab ride, the only hiccup of the day came – a passing rain shower. As visions of running from place to place wet and freezing danced through our minds we thankfully were able to push that aside and enjoy a dry tour around Old San…

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How can it be over?

Great time slips by with too much speed. As we closed out the trip I did manage to fit in one of my signature moments – in this case walking a half hour along essentially a highway to the rum tasting. Wonderful smells of exhaust and strong breezes as tractor trailers flew by us, all while in the hot sun.…

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Circumnavigating St. Kitts via a train

Our circumnavigation around St. Kitts was not exclusively by train, a shuttle carried us to the north side of the island. But I’m getting ahead of myself, with our last day we were debating how we should fill it. Lisa and Andy were keen on a beach day so that left the rest of us to figure it out. When…

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Hiking Gros Piton on St. Lucia

It is fairly well establish that if you travel with us at some point you are going to be pushing into extreme exercise. On this trip it was a climb up Gros Pitot on St. Lucia. Booking a guide I had not realized that it would require four hours (round trip) in a van, which made it tight on time…

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The birthday boy!

I heard some rustling at 4:00am and realized Jean wasn’t in bed. Huh. Well with my birthday that day I had some idea what was going on… Getting out of bed in the morning, I found our room was filled with streamers, balloons and other paraphernalia. And it brought a big smile to start my day! Shortly there was a…

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A Caribbean birthday adventure!

Early 2022 I tossed out the idea of a trip with friends for my 50th birthday. Much to my surprise everyone I asked was on board, even our friends Lisa and Andy who live is Sweden, woohoo! Tickets purchased it was time to wait, finally January rolled around and just the day before we were set to leave a group…

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