Browsing Category : Weather

Exploring a new spot!

I woke for the sunrise and after getting my morning dose, I got to swabbing the deck. The morning dew worked well to clear the salt from our crossing. Getting that checked off we fired up the engines and made our way south. There was a motor vessel anchored with us and they led the way. It was a very…

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Will this be the day?

Well let’s try this again. Lowell and I were up around 5am, my review of the weather made me think that a 9am departure would be best but it was good that Lowell wanted to leave sooner. The wind and waves from the high NW winds overnight were manageable (diminishing) and, rather than arrive at 3:00am, by leaving right away…

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Back to racing!

With the next race in Ridanna it was time to leave Cortina with an early morning departure. I still had the chains on the tires so it wasn’t much concern driving down the mountain but reaching the valley off they came and the concern for black ice. Thankfully it was not a issue and with plenty of time I pulled…

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A stressful drive to Cortina d’Ampezzo

I ate a quick breakfast and was on the road by 9:30am, since I was concerned about road conditions and the trip was estimated to take three and a half hours. I used the chains to get off the mountain and thankfully the roads were in good condition in the valley. From there the driving was good through Bolzano as…

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Some work and some play

Cyclone Mal passed Fiji overnight bringing damaging winds (90 knots) to Somosomo (where we visited at the beginning of this sailing adventure). We came into the Nawi marina just in case the cyclone shifted more east but thankfully all we had was some rain at 2:22am, some wind around 3:30am (maximum 20 knots, maybe gust to 25 knots) Throughout the…

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A rough passage north

A lazy-ish morning while we waited for high tide gave me a chance to soak into my brain the colors from the green vegetation to the explosion of shades of blue. I tried my best to lock it into my memory banks. Around 11:30am it was go time, so off we went. Getting through the pass was smooth sailing due…

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End of the 2022 Adventure Tour

Time for Mike to head home to Rapid City, blerg. It rained hard early in the morning and there was talk of skipping the ride over Buffalo pass in favor of taking the highway. But after breakfast it seemed manageable so we geared up and hit the trail. The conditions were better than expected and soon we were over the…

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Lapland SnowVillage outside of Kittilä

You know how some of those things you see on the internet look like amazing experiences and you jump on board before thinking it through? Yeah, this was one of those. On paper an Snow/Ice village sounds really fun. In reality it is fucking cold. I know, that is pretty obvious. We arrived at the SnowVillage around 2:00pm and were…

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