Browsing Category : Boat Work

It’s a wrap!

With winds overnight I had turned on the anchor alarm around midnight and kept an eye on it until morning. My 4:45am alarm got us up and moving and with just a tinge of light, the anchor was pulled and we motored north. The forecast was winds for the first 12nm from wind pouring in from the Pacific. The possibility…

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Eating and playing the day away

A tradition created by Ralph and Helen on SV MoonDrifter has been continued with the new owners (jaja since 2020) Bill, Ally, and Corey, which is to host French Toast the last day of the rally. And wow did they hit it out of the park this year. Tons of bacon, every possible topping for your French toast, and a…

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A great day SAILING

The rigging on Gato Loco was just replaced and the rig tensioning was way off at the start of the trip. We went very conservative to this point and had only tightening the inner and outer shrouds. Funny enough, last time in Santa Rosalia I went up the mast too, that time to clean the contacts on the Windex. Up…

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Quick stop in Santa Rosalia

Not thrilled about the 5:00am departure after three hours sleep but what are you going to do. Around 5:15am we motored our way into the sunrise. Soon we found 15 knots of wind (unfortunately 25 degrees to port) and with the Main at Reef 1 and Jib the engines were pulled way back. As the morning progressed, we lost our…

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The final push to the finish line

We pulled up the anchor at headed for Vuda Point marina. The passage was longer than we thought but still an easy motor. Fueled up we headed for our slip for the night and got cracking on the boat work. It was super hot but that didn’t stop us from getting a lot done. The following morning we hauled out…

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A taste of resort life at Musket Cove

You might want to skip this one, not the most exciting day. Up at 5:00am and first thing I hauled Carl up the mast to remove the Windex (wind sensor). That completed without injury we moved on to removing the jib (it was too windy yesterday). Those projects complete we decided to move into the nearby anchorage by the resorts…

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Last passage of the season

Sadly the season is winding down and this would be out last significant passage, still only 25 nm but an interesting one. Dodging reefs this way, jogging that way between islands, and on the ready when an anchored fishing boat was close to our track. No drama and before 10:00am the hook was set on the sand spit in Musket…

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Waking to one hell of a mess

Going to bed last night we smelled a bit of smoke, but it isn’t that unusual in the Yasawa’s as they burn land before planting crops. This morning however, as the sun came up, it was shocking how much ash was covering the boat. And I mean covering. First order of business was washing the outside of the boat. What…

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Go, go, go! So we can get back on the hook

Going into it we realized this was a heavy lifting work day. It started with the water taxi to hit the ATM, the bread store, and New Market. Oh and also the Town market for the first batch of the fresh produce and then the fancy wine and food shop for pickles and bacon. And I forgot to mention the…

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