Final prep and opening night of the rally

Holy wetness, the boat was covered in dew. Yesterday we had some scout bees so my day started swabbing the deck of water. It was really nice to get a free boat wash knocking off the salt and dirt we had accumulated over the past number of days. A pod of dolphins had been out chasing the baitball we saw yesterday, they came a bit closer so I hopped on the paddleboard and got a bit closer. They were in eating mode and didn’t play with me however I did get a good show.

As morning continued the dolphins stuck around and put on a great show jump in singles and doubles, completely out of the water. We ghosted out of the anchorage and had some fun getting closer and watching them loop around the boat. You know it will be a good day when it starts with dolphins!

Unexciting trip into Puerto Escondido where we filled up on fuel and topped off the water tanks. Much to my shock and disgust, they now charge for water. A translation part on my part had me fuming thinking it would cost $!00 USD to fill up but it ended up being $12 for about 50 gallons. Still nuts when you figure that mooring ball is now up to $40 per night. WTF. Truly, they have made the place nice but the prices are insane. It really feels like Cabo Lite now, which I suppose, is their goal. Honestly, without the rally I would not come back…

In the evening the rally kicked off with street tacos, margaritas, and music. A smaller group this year with only four cruising boats and three charter boats. It was great seeing a few faces from the past and some new ones as well. I was most excited to here that Ally and Corey from Moon Drifter who have joined Ally’s dad recently bought a monohull of their own. I’m super excited for them. Kim from Salt is a captain in Antarctica and Hudson Bay with a lot of time in Alaska. So I probably annoyed her with all of my questions about the San Juans, Vancouver Island, and Alaska. She also gave me a contact for someone she knows that is a captain and boat broker there. With a search for a Trawler beginning, he may be an excellent source for help, along with knowledge of the area. The sun down, we headed back to Gato Loco for a few more shots of tequila and soaking in the excitement of the coming days.

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