Air vent, GPS antenna mounting, flap tube, and finishing up the left ER tank – big day

Today was a good day, I felt like a lot was accomplished. I started the day fabricating a bracket and mounting the overhead vent servo from Aerosport Products. Also installed the vent flanges and connected them together with hoses. Then it was on to the GPS antenna mounting, just aft of the baggage area. I had previously made the doublers but they needed to be deburred, holes counter sunk, nut plates riveted, and primed. The skins needed to be drilled out and dimpled before back riveting everything together.

More riveting on the fuselage getting the rear floors final riveted, then jumping back into the flap tube assembly and install. This is a finicky process that took a lot of time and some brute force, but it can now be checked off the list.

I finished up the day finsihing the left ER tank, I still needed to fabricate the fuel lines and the fuel vent line. The vent line took time, since it needed to exit the bottom of the wing, loop around the tank inside of the wing before connecting to the vent fitting in the tank. Now on to the right tank, hopefully it goes faster know that I have experience and know what I am doing.

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