Epic almost 4 hour foiling session

Whew what an exhausting day, in the best way. The plan was to float the incoming tide between blue pool 1 and blue pool 2. So 9am we took the dinghy to shore for the short walk to the pools. Getting to the river connecting the two pools we could tell the current was ripping! It was hard swimming to get across the incoming flow and then follow the razor sharp volcanic wall in an sort of eddy out into the ocean. Once accomplished the fun could begin.

We swam out into the rushing current and proceeded to let mother nature do the work while we took in the beautiful coral and fish all around us. The visibility was much better than past visits due to the incoming clean water. In the rock formation I call the aquarium with caves and holes to peak into there were lots of larger fish including one red snapper. From there it was the channel connecting the pools where there were smaller fish to watch in the shallow connector. From there we were dumped into the second pool where we again followed the wall out to the ocean to catch the flowing current into pool 2 and across a huge coral wall about 30 feet tall with more fish and a wide range of colors and types of coral. It was so much fun that we turned around and made a second loop.

In the afternoon the wind piped up, just enough to foil. This turned into an epic three hour forty-five minute session. The wind was fickle and gusty, making it harder for a beginner like myself. I need extra to get myself up on the foil and to help balance. I spent a lot of time standing but not foiling today. Blerg. But I did have a few runs on the foil and it was a good learning experience.

Back to the boat to cook dinner. Which while chopping I realized how tire and sore my body was after a day’s activities. Whew, borderline too much but all the same a great day.

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