Hiking around the island for some good exercise

Where we are anchored on in a cove of a private island with a coconut farm on one side and a fancy five-star resort on the other side. The cove is on the backside and has a little bure (cabana) that resort guests rent as a private beach experience. They drop them off with a long boat and guests get to spend half a day alone, well except of the cruisers… The owners allow cruisers ashore but only early in the morning or late at night after the guests are gone. Ok, long back story, sorry about that. After breakfast we jumped on the paddleboards to shore, and to hike a trail they have around the island. All good, no one around and off we go. To reach the trail, we had to “Billy goat” it up a steep, ledgy slope about a 250 meters. A few questionable spots but no injuries.

The trail is well marked and has some fun climbs and descents. First, we headed out to what we expected to be a view point, but turned out there were too many trees to get a great view of the cove. Oh well. Back tracking, we met the main trail and continued following it, and the steep descent down to the coconut farm and care taker’s house, we turned right toward the resort and away from the farm which quickly dropped us down to sea level. Walking at a brisk pace we stumble upon a couple who are at the resort. Oops. We end up talking for quite awhile as there was a ridiculous about of things in common. Roxy is in Sequim, WA, well this couple lived there sixteen years (now is Spirit Lake, ID). Rachel mentions that Rich has a plane. Interesting, I bring up my RV-10. Which Rich explains he has built half-a-dozen RVs. From an early RV-3 to RV-6 to RV-8 to a Harmon Rocket. Crazy. And then were get into dirt bikes. We probably could have chatted all afternoon but Carl was the first to speak up and point out that there were dark clouds approaching so we said our goodbyes and kept hiking.

It wasn’t long before we reached the resort, well we couldn’t see it, just the long boat that they use with someone in it. Rather than be seen we turned around and back tracked our course. Reaching a branch I put on the trail to help us find the spot to go back down we instead continued on the trail, which wrapped around the other side of the cove, up high, until we reach the lovely cell phone tower. We are quite thankful for this luxury as tomorrow is forecast to be high winds and lots of rain. All told we logged in about 10km over two and a half hours. What a great bit of exercise, love it!

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