Oh how I love thee, Refugio

I made it up to watch the sunrise over the mountains, enjoyable but I couldn’t help looking forward to tomorrow’s sunrise over the ocean from the Baja. We got a fairly early start for our crossing, with the anchor up at 7:15. The seas were smaller but a bit confused and hitting just behind the beam it was more rolly than yesterday. Mono-hullers are rolling their eyes at that last sentence, especially since our coffees could still sit on the table unmolested. I got the two fishing lines in the water as Lowell mentioned good success near Lobos. The sails were kept full but the engines were still needed to push us the first three hours. The big excitement was a nice yellowfin that I brought aboard. Sushi dinner anyone?

With the wind building we shut off the engines and enjoyed 7.5 knot clip. Morning turned to afternoon and Rick heated up some tamales for lunch just a perfect day of sailing. Set the sails and relax. At least until 13:30 when the wind clocked around and diminished to 12 knots at 30 degrees apparent. So back on the engines came for the remainder of the trip. This leg is classic northern Sea, we saw exactly zero other boats. Just us and a big body of water.

Each time I come to Refugio it takes my breath away. We had a brief scare that our anchor spot was taken but the monohull was further out. And shortly afterwards they pulled up anchor, presumably to head for Puerto Penasco. Dinghy dropped and off we went to hike the nearby hills. Mad props to Lowell for joining me on a sketchy climb to the top of the tallest one. Murril snapped our picture to prove we made it. Then back to the boat for a quick dip in the cold water to clean up. Took my breath away but felt great afterwards. To cap off a great day we had the yellowfin for dinner with rice and vegetables. Simply perfect #2.

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