Clean Up, Isle Guarda

A spectacular sunrise began the day. Life is good.

The blow in Gonzaga left a film of fine dust over the boat and the first order of business was a good cleaning. We might have gone overboard and used over 250 liters of water but it felt good to walk on the clean decks. Jack took it a step further and gave all the brightwork a polish. Strikhedonia was a happy girl.

Work done, it was time for some adventuring. We hopped in the kayak and paddled to shore where Jack enjoyed a long snorkel. The 68 degree water temp was below my threshold so I took to a beach walk, enjoying the morning and listening to the waves crash on the shore. This is why I am out here. No bird attacks, like in the spring, but I did find a few interesting rocks to add to the collection. With no urgent obligations I stretched my walk to nearly two hours finally getting back to Jack around lunch time. And what did he pull out of the water but a huge scallop. Great harvest for a pre-lunch snack.

A busy morning led to some reading and resting before our afternoon plans. Around 4:00pm we piled into the dinghy and went over to explore the campsite where our friends CJ and Ted camped in the spring. On the way we got sidetracked by another catamaran that pulled in during the day, it was Rick and Linda on Big City Fish. We chatted for a bit but with the sun creeping down we had to say our “until next time” and got moving.

At the campsite we were blown away by the gorgeous view of the bay and mountains. Simply breathtaking. A number of rock walls were built showing how it does get very windy here often. From the camp was wandered up a valley to look at the massive concentration of cacti before heading over to a hill that we enjoyed last trip. The view from the top was worth the steep shaley climb. Sadly the sun was creeping lower so after a bit of reflection time it was back to the dinghy.

On the ride back we needed to go between a pass and holy shit was the current ripping, we would estimate 3 knots. Slowish going but we made it through and surfed some waves back to Strikhedonia just as the light was disappearing from the sky.
A great day. Definitely why I do this.

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