A touch of civilization before returning to Alacran

Up before sunrise, we got underway. The plan was for a late lunch of hamburgers (for Jack) and Wifi at Guillermo’s in Bahia LA. We were treated to flat seas and good speed on the passage south. Hopefully getting out of the northern part of the sea will bring us less massive winds and mellower passages – time will tell.

It was a mellow motor down to Bahia LA. Twisting around the islands in the bay gave us something to do. By 1:30pm we had our anchor down and were headed for Guillermo’s. I had necessary work and of course it was nice checking in with friends too. Heck even managed a call to Jean and Anna.

Bellies full and 14nm to our anchorage we hustled to reach Bahia Alacran before dark. I really love this spot, it has always taken great care of us and there is good snorkeling and great hiking. What is not to love? Just as the light was fading, we testing the anchor in the calm bay and settled in for a beautiful night.

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