Taking in the bounty of Alacran

I woke up early and paddled in for a sunrise beach walk. One of the pups from the Eco whale shark camp joined me. He has beautiful eyes and was a good companion. Reaching the end we doubled back to the opposite side I plopped down to relax and take in all this spot offers. Soon a few hours had passed by and I figured Jack might be ready to get off the boat. Sure enough he had hiking on the mind, so we filled our water and set off, in the dinghy this time, for the beach.

Last year we hiked some of the hills to the north of the anchorage and this trip we decided to tackle the steeper and more rugged hills. Up and down we went over the first four hills before wiggling our way back down to the ocean. Rock jumping led us to the osprey nest we saw from above in the spring. With the low tide we skirted the shore past a couple small beaches, checking out snorkeling spots. Lunch was calling so after a couple hill summits we took to the flats back to the dinghy. Another well spent couple of hours!

After lunch I worked on a few boat projects. Once done I asked Jack what it was time for, “Seista?” was his response? “I was thinking snorkeling.”, that got him to jump up and off we went. We hit two spots we had scoped out earlier. The first was a submerged rock with a slot between the two halves. It was alright. Not too much color but a school of medium sized cabrillas.

Poking around a few other spots we couldn’t locate many fish, so we kept scouting. Around a point of land it looked better so we dropped the dinghy hook and flipped into the water. This spot was much better. Not great, but better. Many cabrillas, some parrot fish, a few sergeant majors, and lots of tiny sparkly silver bait fish. Sun getting low we headed home just before five. A day filled with activities and exactly what makes this cruising life awesome.

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