So long Muertos, thanks for keeping us safe

The remainder of our time in Muertos included an attempt to visit visit the resort for some food and pool time, which was squashed due to renovations but was replaced with a good meal at the restaurant on the other side of the beach. It was windy during our stay and one afternoon we noticed a paddleboarder and dinghy with oars who appeared to be having trouble moving against the wind. A holler over to see if they needed help swiftly brought them to Strikhedonia. I dropped the dinghy and gave a relieved guy a lift to shore (the dinghy was a fellow sailor) and the second paddle board was towed by SV Serafina. Not done yet, I picked up a Mexican spearfisherman as we motored into shore. Minutes later everyone was safely on land I was blasting back to my boat. Glad I could be there to help.

Every day included snorkeling and spearfishing. I gave it a good attempt but after ninety minutes one day all I had to show for it was a just missed “junk” fish (as Victor calls them) and the location of a lobster. The good news is Victor had speared a cabrilla and along with the lobster we had a nice haul for the day.

Our last day the wind spun around from the other direction and we were bounced around a bit. In the late afternoon a monohull pulled in and we felt for them as all evening they were rocking and rolling rail to rail mixed in with hobby horsing – could not have been a fun night for them.

Our time in Muertos had come to a close, we were held safe in the windy conditions and treated to an good snorkeling/fishing nothing more could we ask for.

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