San Jose Del Cabo and the El Ganzo hotel

It was a short sailing day, so we didn’t rush to get moving which in hindsight wasn’t the best, but wasn’t a big deal either. It just meant we had more time spent with wind and waves on our bows which resulted in some pounding at times. A bit out of San Jose, I called up the marina and found the rates for a slip were quite reasonable at $47 so we would forgo a rolly night and get showers plus maybe a pool! Did I mention showers? It had been a few weeks so we were all excited for this treat.

After checking in Janis, Harrison, and I wandered over to a nearby hotel named El Ganzo. It had a bit of a hip feel and we slipped onto the grounds and found a pool. Sweet! Back to the boat to get Vicki, as the excitement built of slipping into a refreshing fresh water pool to cool off.

Hotel El Ganzo

Those plans were quickly thwarted…as we approached the hotel there was a guy standing out front, even by following my protocol of acting like we belong, the fact that there were four of us, looking a bit scruffy tipped him off that we were out of place. Shit. Oh well, plan B. Tell him we just want to go to the roof top bar for a drink (there was a second pool there). Nope, he wasn’t having any of it unless we ponied up 500 pesos ($28) PER PERSON. Ha, that isn’t happening. But we could get a drink at the lobby bar. That would have to do.

A beer, a rum and coke, and some very tasty chips and pico de gallo and I was a happy camper, even without a pool. We found out that this was a quite expensive hotel with many celebrity guests. They are music centric and host monthly concerts on the roof with acts from the US and Mexico.

Ofrenda to some of their favorite musicians, as it was Day of the Dead

Evidently this place is kind of a big deal and we should have known…

Guess their clientele speaks the English

Everyone split up a bit later and I was the only one left at the bar. Should I do it? Was there ever a question? I picked up my remaining drink and snuck back to the outdoor pool where I got my swim after all. Ahhh, refreshing and just want I needed.

Dinner aboard and plans for a sunrise departure dictated an early night, but realistically we were just really tired.

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