Tons of work before new crew arrive

As soon as we could see the pass out of Isla Coronado we were moving. Lots to get done before Jack’s wife and my friend Vicki arrived. We motored the entire way to Puerto Escondido, the jib was up more for moral support than to pull us along. Arriving we tied to the dock and busted out a fast boat wash only getting questioned by security a couple times, thankfully we got everything washed and the water tank filled before a gun was pulled on us. From there we jumped on a mooring ball, whew step one complete.

Secured, engines checked, and Vicki’s berth made ready for her and we headed for showers and to check in. First up paying for our mooring ball, with Tropical Storm Raymond headed our way I opted for two nights – holy fuck are they killing cruisers now. The MOORING BALL is more than a dock slip at the 5 star Paradise Village marina in Banderas bay. Decision made it was too late to change plans. I also had them make a car reservation for 3pm. Of course they were out of cars so we had to upgrade to a SUV – this is getting be an expensive stop.

We had needs for propane so we brought both our tanks to shore and after our showers a local guy asked if we planned to fill them – yep. Well it being Saturday they close early. Fuck. 3:00pm rolls around and no car – 3:15 they finally pull up. We fill our paperwork and rush with fingers crossed that the propane is still open. It is about a fifteen minute drive and once we arrive we see a worker is filling his gas delivery truck and thankfully he is willing to help us out. Whew, bullet dodged we will be able to have hot food!

Then off to the airport where we wait for the ladies to clear customs and then drive to Loreto for some exploring. We walk the town, check our a few shops, the church, watch packet pick up for a running race, and a walk along the malecon. Whew, we were so tired after all that we needed some margaritas. So up the stairs to a restaurant overlooking the water we went. Drinks secured and soon the waiter was dropping off appetizers. Oops, probably should have told them we were only here for drinks. But not wanting to waste food we enjoyed them!

Drinks finished and sun set, we wander to a restaurant that had been recommended by some other cruisers. We had a nice dinner of chile rellenos with salsa made table side. Cruisers midnight rolled around and we started our drive to the marina. A good start to the trip.

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