Two kinds of work, hiking and cleaning

Another early start, after breakfast we climbed the volcano. It is a fun hike that I’ve done many times. The views are great and it is the perfect amount of exercise. About two and a half hours we were back on the beach to catch our breath.

Then the real work started – cleaning the boat. With Jack’s wife and my friend Vickie arriving tomorrow we needed to give the interior a good scrubbing. It is amazing the amount of dust that collect. I’m sure a lot was still from Penasco and Gonzaga. Glad to have the box checked as completed.

The other excitement for the day was word that a tropical storm has formed south of Cabo. We should be past hurricane season but evidently we aren’t past storm season. The forecast showed an arrival on the southern peninsula Sunday and reaching us sometime Monday. Winds should be less than 25 knots in the Loreto area but it will be something to keep and eye on and likely will require changes to next week’s cruising plans, fuck.

A Seawind 1190 (SV Meriwether), I’ve met before, anchored in the afternoon, however it turns out she has new owners Lisa and Chad. We were invited aboard and given beer and food. Seriously how awesome is that! They bought their boat last spring and were still making decisions on what upgrades and changes to make. It was fun talking about the upgrades I had done and gave their crew some advice on fishing. To this point he had been skunked. The sun started to set and our anchor light was off is we took leave with an invitation for them to visit and look around. Soon they pulled up in their dinhgy and I gave them a tour. I think the saloon screens drew the biggest excitement – the hehenahs have been out in force this fall so keeping the bugs at bay has been a constant battle.

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